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DevOpsCon Berlin

20.06.2022 bis 23.06.2022
DevOpsCon Berlin
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongressmesse
Ort: Berlin or online
Datum: 20.06.2022 - 23.06.2022
Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 18:00
Veranstalter: Software & Suport Media GmbH
Teilnahmeoptionen: Präsenzveranstaltung, Online Live Broadcast, Online Live Teilnahme
Zielgruppe: C-Level, Fachexperten, Branchenöffentlichkeit, Arbeitnehmer, Auszubildende
URL: Relation Browser

Sonderkonditionen für Premium-Mitglieder

Premium-Mitglieder von iBusiness erhalten die angegebenen Sonderkonditionen bei Bestellung über den angegebenen Bestell-Link und Angabe des entsprechenden Codes.

Sonderpreis: Sie erhalten 15 % Rabatt.
Rabattcode: Abruf nur für Premium-Mitglieder
Buchung via: Abruf nur für Premium-Mitglieder
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
Career development must not be neglected even at these difficult times, so we have worked out a new concept to make DevOpsCon Berlin a secure and high-quality event for everyone. Our answer: Hybrid. Now you have the choice of attending the conference on-site or conveniently remote via video stream. For more information:
DevOps is fundamentally changing the IT world and sets the path for successful business transformation. Join DevOpsCon to learn about the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies for building and maintaining secure, scalable, and resilient software systems.
How do cloud platforms, microservices, and Kubernetes play together with comprehensive automation and continuous delivery? How can you handle increasing complexity in your organization and empower high-performance teams with the right tools and agile methodologies? DevOpsCon provides plenty of answers.
At DevOpsCon, you will meet internationally recognized thought leaders of the DevOps movement and benefit from their expertise. Attend inspiring sessions and in-depth workshops to learn what you need to push your DevOps skills to the next level.
Visit our website to get more information about the topics & program, speakers, tickets & more:
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