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Adobe DITAWORLD 2022

15.03.2022 bis 17.03.2022
Adobe DITAWORLD 2022
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongress
Ort: Digital
Datum: 15.03.2022 - 17.03.2022
Veranstalter: Adobe
Teilnahmeoptionen: , Online Live Broadcast, Online Live Teilnahme
Zielgruppe: C-Level, Fachexperten
URL: https://2022-adobe-dita-world.meetus.adobeevents.com/ Relation Browser
E-Mail: techcomm@adobe.com
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
From March 15–17, 2022, Adobe is going to host the sevenths Adobe DITAWORLD Online Conference. We will offer a comprehensive program with the world’s leading Technical Communication, Marketing, DITA©, Content Management, and Content Strategy experts about DITA, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe’s DITA CCMS (XML Documentation for Adobe Experience Manager), and Adobe RoboHelp. Featuring thought leaders and practitioners who know what they talk about. Who will tell real-life stories and deliver hard facts.

The program will offer a wide range of topics, from high-level strategic approaches to very practical sessions and industry presentations. We will show how Adobe is helping enterprises around the world to connect the dots between Technical Communication and Marketing Communication, and how customers and partners are using them to create intelligent customer experiences with intelligent content.
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