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Connected Customer: Utilities

08.10.2018 bis 09.10.2018
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongress
Ort: Golden Tulip, 4 Landgrafenstraße, Berlin, 10787, Germany
Datum: 08.10.2018 - 09.10.2018
Uhrzeit: 08:30 - 18:00
Veranstalter: TAC Events
URL: http://go.evvnt.com/253266-0?pid=1265 Relation Browser
E-Mail: k.lenihan@tacook.com
Eintritt/Gebühr: 2 Day Conference - State Owned Utility: EUR 999.0, 2 Day Conference - Privately Owned Utility: EUR 1299.0, 2 Day Conference - Solution Provider: EUR 1499.0
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
After the success of last year's event, 2018 sees the Connected Customer: Utilities move to the ever changing city of Berlin to explore the transformational role digital innovation is playing in the utilities sector, as both established players and disruptive new-comers fight to win over new customers while maintaining a loyal customer base.

2018 brings fresh uncertainty with utility business model reforms, social and political upheaval, constant technological developments and disruption – oh and did someone mention GDPR?

The overriding message from last year's event was that individual utilities cannot weather this storm alone. To survive, the industry needs to work together. Join us this October to address the technological and the human, the strategic and the technical and, in the words of one of our 2017 speakers:

"Let's rock the digital energy revolution!"

Key Topics for 2018 include:

- Digital disruption: technology, digitalisation, and the evolving customer

- The significance of innovation, culture change and collaboration in achieving customer centricity

- Effective use of customer data and analytics to create new business opportunities

- Overcoming adversity: using technology in a crisis to help build customer trust and favourability

- Enhancing revenue collection and customer experience through cutting Edge technologies

- How 'smart homes' and 'smart services' are changing the remit of utilities and the customer utility relationship
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