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Expert Talk: "Verzahnung von Marketing und Vertrieb hat riesigen Effekt" Video-Podcast ansehen
"Effizienz" ist 2024 zu einem der wichtigsten Stichworte erfolgreicher Unternehmen geworden. Das gilt insbesondere für die Zusammenarbeit von Marketing und Vertrieb - die Budgets sind schließlich überall knapper geworden. Wie sich Unternehmen richtig aufstellen, damit die Umsätze flutschen, erklärt HubSpot-Managerin Josephine Wick Frona im iBusiness Expert Talk.Video-Podcast ansehen

Languages & The Media 2018 - 12th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media

03.10.2018 bis 05.10.2018
Languages & The Media 2018 - 12th  International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongress
Ort: Berlin
Datum: 03.10.2018 - 05.10.2018
Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 18:00
Veranstalter: ICWE GmbH, Leibnizstr. 32, 10625 Berlin
URL: Relation Browser
Telefon: 03031018180
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
The emergence of new technologies, global hyperconnectivity and the mushrooming of on-demand services means that an abundance of audiovisual content is available through diverse media around the clock. The growing volume of content is being shared and distributed via more channels than ever before, and is reaching a wider, more diverse audience. As a result, we are witnessing an increasing demand for a personalised user experience, as well as consumers with visual or hearing impairments expecting this wealth of information be made accessible to them. These rapidly changing mediascapes raise the question: How can the industry remain agile and respond to this surging market demand?

At the 12th Languages & The Media, the International Conference on Language Transfer for Audiovisual Media, broadcasters, researchers, language practitioners, translators, interpreters, software developers and all those who produce, market or distribute audiovisual materials for information, entertainment or educational purposes will come together from all parts of the world to address issues on how to thrive in this dynamic mediascape.

Join the conference for a unique opportunity to voice your opinion and share experiences with your international peers.
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