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Die Komplexität modernen Marketings ist schon heute beachtlich - und wird in Zukunft noch weiter wachsen. Welche Herausforderungen für Unternehmen entstehen, und wie sie diese bewältigen können, erklärt Eric Heiliger von Axciom. Video-Podcast ansehen

Predictive Analytics World for Industry 4.0

11.05.2020 bis 12.05.2020
Predictive Analytics World for Industry 4.0
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongress
Ort: Online
Datum: 11.05.2020 - 12.05.2020
Veranstalter: Rising Media Ltd.
URL: https://predictiveanalyticsworldindustry40.eu Relation Browser
E-Mail: registration@risingmedia.com
Telefon: +49 89 76704459
Eintritt/Gebühr: Ab 895¤
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
Predictive Analytics World is the leading vendor independent conference for applied machine learning for industry 4.0.
Business users, decision makers and experts in predictive analytics will meet on 11-12 May, 2020 in Munich to discover and discuss the latest trends and technologies in machine & deep learning for the era of Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.

Industry 4.0 has evolved from buzzword to reality. Previous years’ PAW conferences showed that major enterprises such as Roche or HP, mid-sized companies as Schaeffler or Bossard and also Start-Ups such as Konux or Bowery implemented Machine & Deep Learning solutions successfully. They also mastered a variety of challenges in order to put predictive models into production. Some even turned them into new products. The next phase of the Industry 4.0 analytics journey is about scaling development and operations of data products and about broadening the application of predictive & prescriptive analytics across all company departments and industries. In two parallel tracks, one featuring case studies and another one for deep dives, you will learn from successful data science projects and well-known experts how to master these challenges. Use this opportunity to discuss your questions with the speakers in extensive Q&A and exchange your professional experiences with your industry peers during multiple networking event formats. See you in May 2020 in Munich!
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