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E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Vienna

27.09.2021 bis 29.09.2021
Art der Veranstaltung: Kongress
Ort: Wien
Datum: 27.09.2021 - 29.09.2021
Uhrzeit: 9:00 - 17:00
Veranstalter: Vereon AG
Teilnahmeoptionen: Präsenzveranstaltung, Online Live Broadcast
Zielgruppe: C-Level, Fachexperten, Arbeitnehmer
URL: https://www.exchange-summit.com/europe Relation Browser
E-Mail: info@vereon.ch
Telefon: +41 71 677 8700
Eintritt/Gebühr: Participation is possible on-site as well as online. Registration fees start at EUR 600, special rates for participants from public sector and typical senders of a high volume of invoices are on offer.
Voranmeldung erwünscht: ja
The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit will be held in Vienna from September 27 to 29, 2021. At this global platform you will get in-depth information about recent developments and future trends in the field of E-Invoicing and beyond.
On Monday, September 27 you may start your stay at the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit with attending a pre-conference workshop, the conference itself will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday September 28 and 29, 2021.

Key Topics to be covered
+ The E-Invoice as a starting point for digitising the entire Purchase-to-Pay / Order-to-Cash process
+ Practical tips for the implementation of Continuous Transaction Controls (CTCs)
+ The use of Peppol in Europe and beyond: experiences, insights, outlook and next steps
+ How Artificial Intelligence is changing accounting and purchasing processes: AI in continuous use for ordering, delivery, invoicing and payment
+ Clearance Models on the rise: Which model for the exchange of invoice data with tax authorities is most beneficial for corporates and tax administrations?
+ Managing the challenges in an international environment: Successful handling of country-specific tax reporting in the light of advancing digitalisation / What's next / Who is moving towards real-time reporting?
+ Interoperability for E-Invoicing and E-Procurement in the European and global context
+ E-Invoicing between compliance, clearance and complexity: Why you should digitise your invoicing process now not only because of government obligations
+ Current developments in cross-border invoices and payments, e.g. Request-to-Pay
+ Country Updates from Serbia, Hungary, France, Poland, Croatia, Germany, Saudia Arabia, Egypt and India

For more information, agenda and registration, visit www.exchange-summit.com/europe.
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