Fristverlängerung für ADC*E Best of European Design Award
11.05.2012 Der europäische Wettbewerb für Design und Werbung, ADC*E Best of European Design hat seine Einreichungsfrist um ein paar Tage verlängert.
In fünf Kategorien, suchen die Ausrichter herausragendes digitales Design und preiswürdige Werbekampagnen.
Die Kategorien des ADC*E-Awards 2012:
Film & Radio
- TV Commercials
- Cinema Commercials
- Public Service & Charity
- Corporate Video/TV
- Radio Commercials
- Sounddesign-Soundlogos, Audio-CI
- Any Other - Innovative use of audio, Songs, Internet-Items
- Poster Advertising
- Newspaper Advertising
- Magazine & Trade Advertising
- Mailings
- Mixed Media Campaigns
- Interactive Media: Webs
- Apps
- Online Advertising
- Mobile Applications
- Any Other
- Graphic Design
- Editorial/Books/Corporate Publishing/Catalogues
- Corporate Identity/Branding Design / Branding
- Illustration and Photography
- Packaging
- TV Graphics
- Any Other
- Promotions
- Ambient Media
- New use of media
- Events
- Environmental Design